Fleet Graphics Proposal for Crown Moving and Storage

Current Proposals for Viewing:

Crown Moving (Sacto office) 24 ft truck 01-17-2013


Previous Proposals:

Crown Moving 20 ft and 22 ft trucks 10-3-12

Crown Moving Chevy Van 2-10-12

Crown Moving Cab doors 12-1-11

Crown Moving rear split trailer door graphics replacement 7-8-11

Crown Moving 24 ft Bobtail 6-1-11

Crown Moving 26 ft attic bobtails 4-21-11

Crown Moving magnetic CONTRACTOR cab door decals 2-14-11

Crown Moving magnetic cab door decals 2-2-10

Crown Moving 50 ft trailer 1ET - doors on both sides - 11-03-08

Crown Moving 48 ft trailer - doors on both sides - 10-17-08 revised larger side decals

Crown Moving 48 ft trailer - doors on both sides - 10-17-08

Crown Moving and Storage Cab door magnetic sets 9-9-08

Crown Moving and Storage unit 4509 trailer rear door only 3-17-08

Crown Moving and Storage Unit XXX 26 ft Ontario CA bobtail 2-22-08

Crown Moving and Storage Unit 309 rear door- add name and WORLDWIDE to existing decals kit 3-7-08

Crown Moving and Storage Units 330 and 329 rear door, cab doors 11-12-07

Crown Moving and Storage Units 309 and 313 rear doors, overcab 309 11-12-07

Crown Moving and Storage TRAILERS overcab/front logos 11-12-07

Crown Moving and Storage 24 ft bobtails with attics and side door - new - 8-27-07

Crown Moving and Storage 26 ft bobtail with 2 side doors...to be repainted - 8-27-07

Crown Moving and Storage 27 ft heavily corrugated trailer- 8-27-07

Crown Moving and Storage 28 ft trailer moderately corrugated one side door - 8-27-07

Crown Moving and Storage 14 ft box van with attic - 8-27-07

Crown Moving and Storage front of trailer graphic - 8-28-07

Crown Moving and Storage magnetic door decals - 8-28-07

Rough layouts for pricing for Crown Moving and Storage 8-21-07- add side door

Preliminary rough layout for pricing for Crown Moving and Storage 26 ft trailer 8-17-07

Preliminary rough layouts for pricing for Crown Moving and Storage 8-16-07

NEW! NOVEMBER 2007 - now we have an easy-click link on each page, below your image, to a preformatted pdf that you can print out. Sorry it took me so long to figure that out!

Printing out your layouts - Instructions - Using Windows Explorer 6.01 or newer

You can print out your layouts without printing the entire page. Simply place your mouse on the image you want to print. A little series of Icons will appear to the upper left area of the image. Click on the PRINTER icon, and when your printer box comes up, make sure you select LANDSCAPE page direction. Then print out the selection.

Downloading your layout design to your computer - Instructions - Using Windows Explorer 6.01 or newer

You can easily download each layout to your computer and print them out later by doing the following: place your mouse over the image. A series of icons will appear on the upper left corner of the image. Select the Floppy Disk icon...your computer will ask you where you want to save your image by showing you an explorer version of a section of your computer (the default is in the MY PICTURES folder on your C drive. However, you can create a new folder adn place it anywhere you want...)


For browsers other than Explorer 6.01, simply highlite the image you want to print, go to FILE...PRINT....SELECTION...and make sure the page is set for Landscape direction. To save or download, Choose FILE....SAVE AS....and select a place and name for the image.

We look forward to working with you for your graphics needs. We are available to consult with customers for their graphics projects - please call us to set up an appointment. You can reach us at (toll free) 866-848-8132 from 7 AM to 6PM West Coast time Monday thru Friday. Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail us at sales@theimagemakers.com if you have any questions, requests, or suggestions.


If you have any questions or problems with this site, please contact Tish Frame at 925-458-5041 or e-mail us at plframe@theimagemakers.coms